Friday, December 18, 2009

The Benefits of Buying A Countertop Convection Oven Microwave

There are numerous benefits of buying a countertop convection oven microwave instead of a regular microwave.  Most of us are familiar with microwaves, but the convection microwaves give you additional  features to enhance your cooking. 

A convection oven microwave is simply a combination of a regular microwave oven and a convection oven. It gives you the benefits of a microwave for fast cooking and the browning and crisping that the convection oven gives you.  You can preheat the convection oven microwave and actually bake a cake or pie in it.

When convection microwaves first came out they were considered high end appliances and were much more expensive than a regular microwave.  The prices have since then come down and you can now purchase a countertop convection oven microwave for about the same price as a regular microwave.

Most of the major kitchen appliance companies such as Sanyo, Sharp, Panasonic, Cuisinart and GE all currently make convection microwaves.  For the best deals, visit convection oven microwaves.

It may take you a little while to get used to cooking in one, but once you get the hang of it, you will find it to be faster and more economical than turning on your conventional oven.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Using A Frozen Yogurt Maker To Make Healthy Desserts

Using a frozen yogurt maker is one of the easiest ways to make a quick and healthy dessert.  You are in charge of what goes into your dessert, unlike the store bought frozen yogurts which contain chemicals and preservatives.

You can make low fat yogurt, ice cream, sorbets, sherberts, and even frozen mixed drinks.

The basic ingredients for making frozen yogurt are milk, sugar, yogurt and cream.  You can add additional ingredients such as chocolate, peanut butter, nuts, pretzels, crushed candy bars or fruit.

You can also replace the sugar with splenda or stevia to make a sugar free dessert.  There are so many different frozen desserts you can make that you will be sure to please everyone. 

Using a frozen yogurt maker to make healthy desserts is one of the best way to get your children to eat healthy.  Make them a frozen dessert with lots of their favorite fruits for a delicious change to regular ice cream. 

Add some dark chocolate which contains lots of antioxidants and some ground flaxseed for extra fiber and you really have a healthy dessert.

A frozen yogurt maker is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets.  I'm sure it will be yours also.

For more information and discount prices on frozen yogurt makers, visit Buy A Frozen Yogurt Maker.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Few Tips Before You Purchase A Chinese Steel Wok

There are a few choices you need to make before you purchase a Chinese steel wok. You can choose between a carbon steel, stainless steel, hard anodized aluminum or an electric wok.

Traditionally, most professional Chinese cooks prefer the carbon steel woks. If you also choose this type of wok, be aware that it does have to be seasoned similar to cast iron cookware.

You can also choose between a flat bottom or round bottom wok. If you have an electric stove, then a flat bottom wok is needed although they also work on gas stoves.

There are several different size woks, ranging from ten inches to sixteen inches. You should choose the size that is suitable for the number of people you normally cook for. The fourteen inch wok is the most common size and is a suitable size for most cookbook recipe volume.

The hard anodized aluminum wok is the only one that is non-stick. You can use less oil and the clean-up is very easy.

With the carbon steel and stainless steel woks, you will need a little more cooking oil. A trick to keep the food from sticking is to heat the wok before adding the oil.

When cooking with a wok, don't add too much food or it won't cook evenly - you will end up steaming it instead of stir-frying it.

Regardless of which Chinese wok you purchase, I'm sure you will enjoy cooking many healthy meals in it. I find it to be my favorite pan. There are so many quick and easy meals you can fix in a wok.

For the best deals on purchasing a Chinese Steel wok, visit Purchase A Chinese Steel Wok.